Provincial Material Stocks and Flows Database As the world’s top material consumer, China has created intense pressure on national or global demand for natural resources. Building an accurate material stocks and flows account of China
China material stocks and flows account for 1978–2018 Song, L., Han, J., Li, N. et al. China material stocks and flows account for 1978–2018. Sci Data 8, 303 (2021).
Urban Environmental Events and Tone Dataset Urban Environmental Events and Tone data is collected from GDELT. This dataset describes the environmental events of every countries and identifies the people, locations, organizations, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes
Spatial distribution of copper in-use stocks and flows in China: 1978–2016 Hao, M.; Wang, P; Song L.-L.; Dai, M.; Ren, Y; and Chen, W.-Q. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 261: 121260.
Regional disparities in decoupling economic growth and steel stocks: Forty years of provincial evidence in China Lulu Song , Peng Wang , Keying Xiang , Wei-Qiang Chen *. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 271: 111035.
Material dependence of cities and implications for regional sustainability Yupeng Liu, Jiajia Li, Linlin Duan, Min Dai, Wei-qiang Chen*. Regional Sustainability, 2020, 1(1): 31-36.
Scenario analysis of energy consumption and carbon emissions in Chinese aluminum life cycle and emissions reduction measures Haojie Lu, Wanjun Wang, Min Dai, Wei-qiang* Chen, Lei Shi. China Environmental Science, 2021,41(1):451~462.
High spatial resolution mapping of steel resources accumulated above ground in mainland China: Past trends and future prospects Lulu Song, Shaoqing Dai, Zhi Cao, Yupeng Liu, Wei-Qiang Chen*. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 297: 126482.
Urban Solid Waste Dataset A grid-level (~1km*1km) solid waste dataset has been created by coupling material flow analysis (MFA) and geographic information system (GIS) based on bottom-up (scaling-up) and top-down (scaling-down) approaches. The
Impacts of landscape changes on local and regional climate: a systematic review Qian Cao, Yupeng Liu*, Matei Georgescu, Jianguo Wu. Landscape Ecology, 2020, 35(6): 1269-1290.
Urban mining assessment of copper, iron, and aluminum in Fujian Province Min Hao, Lulu Song, Min Dai, Yupeng Liu, Tao Dai, Wei-Qiang Chen. Resources & Industries:1-9[2021-08-31].
Scenario analysis of China's aluminum cycle reveals the coming scrap age and the end of primary aluminum boom Min Dai, Peng Wang, Wei-Qiang Chen*, Gang Liu. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 226: 793-804.
In-use product and steel stocks sustaining the urbanization of Xiamen, China Lulu Song, Chao Zhang, Ji Han & Wei-Qiang Chen*. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2019, 5(1): 110-123.
Mapping provincial steel stocks and flows in China: 1978–2050 Song Lulu, Wang Peng*, Hao Min, Dai Min, Xiang Keying, Li Nan, and Chen Weiqiang*. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 262: 121393.
Dataset of residential building stock and demolition waste generation The construction and demolition of buildings in cities pose considerable risks in the urban environment. This study selected Fuzhou, Xiamen, and Quanzhou as three typical cases, to analyze and predict