- Ph.D., Physical Geography, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2013
- M.S., Ecology, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2010
- B.S., Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China, 2007
Representative publications
- Lulu Song, Ji Han, Nan Li*, Yuanyi Huang, Min Hao, Min Dai, and Wei-Qiang Chen (2021). China material stocks and flows account for 1978-2018. Scientific data, accepted.
- Lulu Song, Dai Shaoqing, Cao Zhi, Liu Yupeng, and Wei-Qiang Chen* (2021). High spatial resolution mapping of steel resources accumulated above ground in mainland China: Past trends and future prospects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 297(15), 126482.
- Xudong Zhu*, Zhangcai Qin, and Lulu Song* (2021). How land-sea interaction of tidal and sea breeze activity affect mangrove net ecosystem exchange? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(8), e2020JD034047.
- Linlin Duan, Yupeng Liu*, Yi Yang, Lulu Song, Min Hao, Jiajia Li, Min Dai, and Wei-Qiang Chen (2021). Spatiotemporal dynamics of in-use copper stocks in the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration, China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 175, 105848.
- Hao Min, Peng Wang*, Lulu Song, Min Dai, Yan Ren, and Wei-Qiang Chen* (2020). Spatial distribution of copper in-use stocks and flows in China: 1978–2016. Journal of Cleaner Production, 261(10), 121260.
- Lulu Song, Peng Wang, Min Hao, Min Dai, Keying Xiang, Nan Li, and Wei-Qiang Chen* (2020). Mapping provincial steel stocks and flows in China: 1978-2050. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262(20), 121393.
- Lulu Song, Peng Wang, Keying Xiang, and Wei-Qiang Chen* (2020). Regional disparities in decoupling economic growth and steel stocks: Forty years of provincial evidence in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 271(1), 111035.
- Lulu Song, Chao Zhang, Ji Han, and Wei-Qiang Chen* (2019). In-use product and steel stocks sustain the urbanization of Xiamen, China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 5(1): 110-123.
- Xudong Zhu*, Lulu Song, Qihao Wen, Guanmin Huang (2019). Linking in situ photochemical reflectance index measurements with mangrove carbon dynamics in a subtropical coastal wetland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124(6), 1714-1730.
- Lulu Song, Qianlai Zhuang, Yunhe Yin, Xudong Zhu, and Shaohong Wu* (2017). Spatio-temporal dynamics of evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau from 2000 to 2010. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 014011.